Первая международная конференция «Английский язык как средство создания единого научного пространства»

Первая международная конференция «Английский язык как средство создания единого научного пространства»
13-14 февраля 2014 г. в нашем университете прошла Первая международная конференция, посвященная современному пониманию объединяющей и систематизирующей роли английского языка в научном сообществе и современным проблемам обучения языку. I-st International conference “The English Language as a Means of Creating the Common Scientific Environment” была организована и проведена Центром иностранных языков при МГППУ “Пси-лингва” (http://engconf.mgppu.ru)
На указанном сайте можно ознакомиться с полезными материалами круглых столов конференции, посвященными актуальным для каждого научного сотрудника проблемам проведения презентаций и составления аннотаций к статьям, сдаваемым в печать. Это презентации А. Сидорова-Дорсо (МГППУ) и Е. Гольдберг (Лингвистический университет). Материалы этих презентаций выложены на нашей страничке для ознакомления.
Лаборатория «Медико-психологическая реабилитация», проявив инициативу, приняла участие в этой конференции в качестве научного структурного подразделения, активно работающего с англоязычными ресурсами и журналом «Современная зарубежная психология».
На секции 6 ‘English learning as a Psychological Phenomenon” старший научный сотрудник Н.Б. Флорова выступила с сообщением “English lanquage as an information support means in field of addictive behavior prevention” (в соавторстве с с.н.с. В. Аршиновой и н.с. С. Никитиной). Также лаборатория приняла участие в статусе слушателей в работе пленарного заседания и ряда секций.
Лаборатория выдвинула конкретные предложения по углублению языкового компонента образовательной программы подготовки специалистов в области аддиктологии и превентологии. Одно предложение касается разработки программы языковой подготовки специалистов в указанной области, с сертифицированием качества подготовки, второе – разработки базы данных для специализированного терминологического веб-пространства по превентологии и аддиктологии для высшей школы.
Аналогичных докладов научно-прикладного характера на данной конференции не было представлено. Фрагмент доклада представлен ниже.
В ходе конференции было высказано мнение, что в дальнейшем следует более активно приглашать научные кадры университета к участию, учитывая объем как языкового педагогического, так и психолого-педагогического опыта вуза.
Фрагмент доклада от лаборатории «Медико-психологическая реабилитация»
Dear friends!
I shall try to tell you about language importance in field of prevention. Many of yours are parents or grandparents, so you may know about high damage from alcohol, tobacco, drugs for children and adolescents. The most damage is addictive, or dependence and co-dependence behavior.
So, the prevention of addictive behaviors is multilevel problem for education, We are sure that language training occupies important place in preventional activities and it is itself a preventional instrument. I want to show that to you.
We know that science today is a megascience. This is a reverberation of global process inside of which separate areas of human activity unites in spaces. For example, such space is scientific-educational.
This space allows, for the first, to provide professional communications × among psychologists, medicine workers, social workers, kinds of bisineses and others. For the second, this space can form a new quality of professional competencies and new quality of scientific productivity.
All over the world we can see a trend of training on English in universities. Most special disciplines are read in English. Here is clear trend to make English an instrument of unite.
We are sure that normalized, systematic and developing English language united with educational IT- and e-technologies, is a predictor of quality of preventive educational product. Namely, here is psychological phenomen of English training.
For example of world experience, we may name trans-national education programs in non-English countries (such as ADIN, AlcogolEdu, MyPlaybook), and others.
This trend is necessary condition for creation of professional communities, which are able to operate effectively due to understanding each other on science language of international communications, adopted to scientific and educational space.
Here we have many problems. What are they?
Certain language difficulties inhibits now an effective transnational communications in field of addictology and preventology.
First of all, it is insufficient special language training in universities and institutes, partly due to poorly developed requirements for the training of preventologists in education system at all.
In other words, a young preventologist must be certified at international level for possession of English terminology and “preventional language’. So, we are sure that it is nesessary to develop special education language programs on addictilogy and preventology for Russian universities. That means that general language training will continue as usial.
It is our first offer to all chairs of foreign languages in universities.
Today, scientific publications about prevention problems – mostly for the “secondary” translations from European ones, usially are difficult for understanding and for working with them, because many elements in text and speech figures may be translated in various forms (one English word have many minds in translation), included commonly used. As a result, meaning of information is masked and the scientific value of published material is reduced in our eyes.
Such “Smoothing” of language for scientific communication creates difficulties which are familiar for professionals working with information on addictive behavior and dual problems. Here are difficulties of scientific search time spending for the detection of relevant sources. Although modern information portals (Scopus, Web of Science, etc) make it much more easy, the high cost of subscriptions to resources periodically necessitate some “manual” work with information. The own author's experience has shown already that the quality of scientific search over information resources depends on the quality of search tools.
Obviously, in presence of standard international terminology, the quality of scientific search increases. Otherwise, lack of professional glossary remains a bottleneck at professional communications. Thus, a simple replacement of a noun or adjective to change the order of key words changes the quality of the information received.
Thus, the second our offer is to create English prevention web -glossaries in all high school libraries.
We also show, that the selection of key words depends not only on output volume of publications, but on the idea of leading periodical attentions to the object of study. Consequently, the efficiency of scientific search determines the normative use of English-language counterpart of a term, concept, collocations.
So, it appears, that exactly English language, as language of scientific communications among experts on prevention of addictive behavior, is a fundamental element in preventive-educational space. because exactly the quality of specialists communication and their consensus in questions about prevention processes determines the quality, as far as efficiency of the implementation, and prospects for improving of preventive product.